one of the toughest review for me. I basically don’t know what to say. it was just a very flat experience. cocktails are great. service good. but no highlights food. i am a picky eater. we ordered a few starters. they was really good. presentación, taste etc. but can’t recommend any “to go to try it”. patacones rellenos - really liked it. another starter with carne mechada. good but don’t even remember what it was 🤣 tequeños- good. big and tasty. guacamole - slightly disappointed. both size and taste. Frida (pollo en salsa de piña con teriyaki). first came over-salted. so we asked to change it. when it came we already was not hungry so we took it home. it was ok. nice but no highlights. salad with chicken - good
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Precio por persona de: Entrada + Plato principal + bebida SIN ALCOHOL
Precio = Entrada + PLato principal + Bebida
El lugar tiene un excelente ambiente, traje a mi hijo a celebrar su cumpleaños pero no había lo que él quería ni el plato que había solicitado. Que pena es tener que acomodarnos a tener que comer lo que hay.
El ambiente es espectacular de verdad, la comida un poco meno, comimos los tacos y no me gustaron mucho, pero para pasarla diferente es un buen local.
Muy buena comida con excelente presentacion de la misma. Tambien el servicio ha sido bueno y el lugar es bello con muchos detalles
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