No hay que dejar de probarlo, me pareció un poco confuso el menú, los platos son bastante grandes vale la pena pedir para compartir, mismo caso los postres, tienen una excelente presentación, por la novedad bastante lleno así que toca reservar y no aventurarse. Me hubiese gustado mayor guía al momento de escoger los platos, costo - plato esta un poco alto. La opcion de Nigiri variados "SUSHI SAMPLER" es una buena opción para ir conociendo la cocina que traen.
Platos recomendados
Calificar el restaurante (recibe 20 puntos)
Precio por persona de: Entrada + Plato principal + bebida SIN ALCOHOL
Precio = Entrada + PLato principal + Bebida
El ambiente espectacular como siempre. El bar nuevo es una Belleza no dejen de ir. Pero no les puedo perdonar que un restaurante de su Status no tenga o se quede sin agua con gas. Muy mal. Los.platos típicos excelentes los Spicy Shrimps. La ensalada de Berro es un Must y Stone Meet delicia. Postres un diferente pero rico Lava Cake.
Excellent atmosphere coupled with very tasty, exotic dishes. Even the cocktails are well made. I would recommend this restaurant to anybody who wants the complete Asian fusion experience.
Excellent food, atmosphere and service. Drinks made to perfection. My favourite restaurant today in Panamá! They should totally open another one....
Have visited this restaurant two times and just loved it! Right from the food to the atmosphere and service, everything is excellent. I would most definitely go back again and again just so that I could try each and every item on the menu. There isn't any particular dish I would recommend because everything was very good. We did order the Japanese curry which I understand from my companion was just average. In conclusion, I would like to say: if you are a tourist, this is well worth a visit. If you are a resident, please entertain any visitor you may have to this delight of a restaurant. In addition to every positive point I have mentioned above, I must also say that the view of Panama City is just lovely!
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