Decidimos visitar este nuevo restaurante, sin embargo los precios son elevados por el ambiente y los platillos que ofrecen comparado otros restaurantes chinos del mercado. El sabor auténtico y el servicio no estuvo mal.
Hoy 12:00pm a 10:00pmMedios de pago:
- Acceso discapacitados
- Menu ejecutivo
- Preferible reservar
- Estacionamientos
- Wi-fi
- Envío a domicilio
Platos recomendados
Calificar el restaurante (recibe 20 puntos)
Precio por persona de: Entrada + Plato principal + bebida SIN ALCOHOL
Precio = Entrada + PLato principal + Bebida
An unexpected change in previously arranged lunch plans gave my pareja and I the opportunity to have lunch at Gran Yong. It was great. It's been a long time since I've been able to say that I couldn't make the food better at home. The steamed veggie dumplings were the perfect appetizer. Then we ordered the chicken with bok choy, Singapore noodles only with chicken, beef with ginger and scallion, and finally the Buddha Veggies. Every plate was delicious. The chicken was not dry, but tender. The bok choy was vibrant and crisp. The beef was soft, and flavorful. The Singapore noodles as well as the Buddha veggies were as expected, also delish. This was a meal worth every cent. I look forward to going back.
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