Best things about this Starbucks (in comparison to the US and other cofffee houses here). - Good coffee - using top quality Panamanian coffee helps - Plenty of space to sit - even if the line is long, there are always a few spots open to sit - Speed- again, even if the line is long, they've got enough people on staff to get your drink going fairly quickly. Mixed drinks take a bit of time - 8-15 mins just about. - Electrical outleets - plenty of them Bad - Bathrooms - only 2 of them (they're coed). Usually not as clean as expected and well, you may have to wait in line for the beathroom - Cups and thermus selection - just the standard Starbucks stuff for now - not the cool seasonal mugs they sell in the US at least - Drink makers & their annoying shouting of your name if you don't claim your drink within 2-3 calls. It's 1: rude; 2: annoying for other visitors trying to enjoy their time; 3: keeps you from listening music - Music - another starbucks staple that although present, can't be heard and enjoyed well throughout the spaces - Milk available on the fixings islands (where they put straws, sugar, powders etc). The worse - Cleaning staff trying to take drinks away from your table while you're still sitting there and even when you may have drink left in your cup. This is just plain unforgivable- The good thing about this is that your upcoming table will be cleaned of all eating/drink materials (though you may still have someone sitting there :D Overall the place is very popular (and the poor Coffee Bean and tea l...... too long of a name people! - has probably lot some business), and the coffee is probably way better than in the US (not burnt :D), but has some improvements to make. Recommend this place? sometimes (not an option on this form).
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Aprovechar las tempranas horas de la mañana es todavía el único momento para pasar por el café. La atención es lo que hay qhe resaltar. Se nota se ha. Tomado su tiempo con el personal.
Excelente ambiente pero les falta rapidez en la entrega de los pedidos y mejorar los capuccinos para que sean representativos de esa excelente cadena. Pero seguro volvería.
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