El restaurante es muy bueno para sushi y también muy rico. Los makis son espectaculares y tienen una buena cantidad de pescado fresco.
Platos recomendados
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Precio por persona de: Entrada + Plato principal + bebida SIN ALCOHOL
Precio = Entrada + PLato principal + Bebida
Excelente es muy bueno el sushi y la atención es buena también, no es muy grande y casi siempre se llena muy rapido
I think Nacionshin is a good restaurant when it comes to sushi specifically. They give good food portions and the prices are very decent. I love their teas and other infusions as well as the sangria. I saw they have a a nice selection of beers which is awesome. I must say that Pad Thai isn't tasty there. However the sushi dishes are worth to try them all. I highly recommend this place as a good option to eat sushi with your family, couple or group of friends.
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Nacionsushi (Albrook)Albrook
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Nacionsushi (Brisas del Golf)Brisas del Golf
Nacionsushi (El Dorado)El Dorado
Nacionsushi (Villa Lucre)Villa Lucre
Nacionsushi (Versalles)Versalles
Nacionsushi (Panama Pacífico)Panamá Pacífico
Nacionsushi (Multiplaza Mall)Punta Pacífica
Nacionsushi (El Cangrejo)El Cangrejo
Nacionsushi (Casco Viejo)Casco Antiguo
Nacionsushi (Albrook Mall)Albrook
Nacionsushi (San Francisco)San Francisco
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