El ambiente de este restaurante es super cool. Es muy colorido y tienen música de moda. El menú es bastante variado y la comida no dedecepciona, las sopaa son deliciosas. Mi razón principal para ir a Nacionsushi es la Sangría de Mango, es lo mejor de su menú.
Platos recomendados
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Precio por persona de: Entrada + Plato principal + bebida SIN ALCOHOL
Precio = Entrada + PLato principal + Bebida
Muy buena ambientacion, comida espectacular, el servicio un poco demorado, pero vale la pena esperar. La limonada de hierbabuena esta recomendadisima!
A big dissapointment!! Visited it for the first time, not sure I want to go back, in spite of the nice and friendly waitress. Ordered the sushi pizza, it was good enough, however, ordered a sushi roll and there's nothing more disgusting than finding out or let's say, eating a sushi roll made with rice any other than the sushi rice. Unless there is a new kind of sushi rice with long grains, then I will say nothing but no, this was a combination a regular rice with barely aeen sushi rice, which makes the rolls saggy and ready to fall apart once you dip it in the soy/wasabi sauce. Needless to mention that it changes the taste of the sushi roll big time. I will definitely not going back because I'm not going to pay for something that it's not even close to what it should be.
El Yakimeshi Mixto tienen buen tamaño pero senti q le faltaba sabor un poco de sabor. El Spring Roll de vegetales esta rico.
Nacionsushi (Costa del Este)Costa del Este
Nacionsushi (Soho Mall)Obarrio
Nacionsushi (Albrook)Albrook
Nacionsushi (Altaplaza Mall)Condado del Rey
Nacionsushi (Costa Verde)La Chorrera
Nacionsushi (Brisas del Golf)Brisas del Golf
Nacionsushi (El Dorado)El Dorado
Nacionsushi (Villa Lucre)Villa Lucre
Nacionsushi (Versalles)Versalles
Nacionsushi (Panama Pacífico)Panamá Pacífico
Nacionsushi (Multiplaza Mall)Punta Pacífica
Nacionsushi (El Cangrejo)El Cangrejo
Nacionsushi (Casco Viejo)Casco Antiguo
Nacionsushi (Albrook Mall)Albrook
Nacionsushi (San Francisco)San Francisco
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