café agradable con múltiples opciones de emparedados y postres. Buen café. tienen estacionamientos bajo techo. buena opción si estás en el área.
Platos recomendados
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Precio por persona de: Entrada + Plato principal + bebida SIN ALCOHOL
Precio = Entrada + PLato principal + Bebida
The food is supbar. Its hard to believe that you could stay in business with such a business model. I guess you dont lose money if you never throw away old food and pass it instead to the customer.
This is a bakery right? Why are the baked goods never fresh? And instead of throwing them away you serve old food? The state of the cushions is very unsanitary.
i ate here and the cake was exceptionally old. i would not serve a customer such an unsavory thing. very poor attention to clients.
Athanasiou (Costa del Este)Costa del Este
Athanasiou (San Francisco)San Francisco
Athanasiou (Obarrio)Obarrio
Athanasiou (Multiplaza Mall)Punta Pacífica
Athanasiou (Albrook Mall)Albrook
Athanasiou (Bella Vista)Bella Vista
Athanasiou (Pacific Center)Paitilla
Athanasiou (Santa Maria Plaza)Costa del Este
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