Domingo P.

Domingo P.

Miembro Foodie

1 Puntos
999+ Ranking mes
999+ Ranking Total
Sobre mí
Miembro desde: Octubre de 2022
Posición 75560 del ranking de calificadores de Panamá.
1 comentarios en Panamá
08/10/2022 Domingo P.

Goodnight When I arrived with a flower arrangement for my mother's birthday, the waiters saw me carrying the arrangement and they couldn't tell me where the reserved room was, when I asked at the end, he answered me through a corridor, he couldn't accompany me to indicate which door, that corridor has several doors, they do not have a sign and the room does not have windows to be able to identify the room where my relatives were, I told the waiter that bad service, since he could not indicate the door of the hidden room that they have in this restaurant, then the macaroni Bolognese from my two children's children's menu, you couldn't eat it, they have a bad smell and they were totally cold, we told the waiter, then I asked for some sangria that they never brought me, the attention in that room was terrible, I don't recommend this restaurant for nothing.


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