

Miembro Foodie

35 Puntos
999+ Ranking mes
999+ Ranking Total
Sobre mí
Miembro desde: Mayo de 2022
Posición 49568 del ranking de calificadores de Panamá.
1 comentarios en Panamá
24/05/2022 .

one of the worst sashimi experience I have ever had. I found two fish scale on my sashimi plate! Also the restaurant leave all the fish skin on for the sashimi and it taste disgusting. I asked them to remove the fish skin only to find another fish scale on my food… the octopus entree and taco are too salty. This is the worst dining experience I have had in panama. The service is very good and send me a complementary mochi afterward. But this is the worst Japanese restaurant I have even been to and I still feel nauseous from the sashimi I ate.

  • Octopus
Posición 36241 del ranking de fotógrafos de Panamá.
1 fotos en Panamá
Foto de Makoto




el 24 de mayo de 2022
  • 0

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